Wedding Venues in Valencia filters

Valencia is Spain’s third largest city and on the Mediterranean coast. It is 1h40 min east of Madrid by high-speed train and 3 hours south of Barcelona. The historical center is relaxed and drizzled with orange trees and gothic palaces from the medieval Kingdom of Aragon and Spain’s Golden Age. Many fall in love with the ‘quaint’ feel of Valencia, although it offers all that a great European city can brag of: beautiful architecture, bargain and high-end shopping, historical legacy, famous nightlife, 135km of coastline, specialty cuisine and even a top football team. Now famous for Calatrava's futuristic complex of the ‘City of Arts and Sciences’, Valencia is a popular destination for city lovers who are less enamored with the more chaotic spots of Spain. From historical country estates amidst orange groves to mountain and lagoon nature reserves, to chic cosmopolitan urban venues and of course to uncrowded beaches for an authentic Mediterranean wedding, Valencia is waiting to become your hidden treasure.

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