Christmas is coming - get canny about it!

Tuesday, 09 December 2014 00:00

At risk of stating the obvious – Christmas is coming! There are presents to buy, cards to send, parties and social events to attend, relatives to visit and food to buy and prepare and this is quite aside from all the everyday things which also need doing! It is no surprise therefore that Christmas can seem a frenetic time and the idea of getting a chance to do anything for your Wedding just seems laughable... It is also no surprise to find that research** reveals that women often take on the lion’s share of Christmas preparation and as with weddings, men often take more of a back seat....

Faced with Christmas to plan as well as a wedding therefore even the most disciplined of brides can feel daunted; and it is usual to put your wedding on the back burner for a few weeks while the festivities take place. If you are canny however you can not only benefit from the fun over Christmas but ALSO put all those social occasions and dinners with relatives to good use for your Big Day too! In the long run this can save time and stress nearer to your wedding day and add to the enjoyment you get over Christmas when meeting up with friends and family.

While some wedding day tasks are very much personal choices – eg: flowers, music, ceremony – there are a couple which you NEED to ask friends and family about. Asking people about these over the Christmas period can save a lot of toing and froing nearer to your wedding. The most important of these is the choice of main meal on your wedding day. Wedding venues in Spain do not offer a choice on the wedding day itself so if you are planning to offer both a meat and a fish main to guests, Christmas is the ideal time to start asking people for their decisions. If you keep a note of them now it can save having to phone or email everyone again nearer the time.

If you are planning to meet with your bridesmaids, the festive season can also be a good time to discuss dresses and finalise plans for accessories – shoes, hair, jewellery – while everyone is together and you can check there will be no major clashes in style or colours.

And finally and perhaps most vital of all, Christmas can be a time to steal some time away with your intended. Amid the seasonal excess and partying some alone time to chat and relax can be the best gift of all over Christmas and remind you of the reason why you are getting married in the first place – because you love them....

** Christmas Day survey conducted by Travelodge in 2013.


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